
Breaking Free from 'I Can’t': Unlock Your True Potential and Achieve Success

January 06, 20253 min read

Breaking Free from 'I Can’t':
Unlock Your True Potential and Achieve Success

"Nothing is Impossible. The word itself says - I'm Possible" - Audrey Hepburn
OR, How about "If you think you can or if you can't, you are right!" - Henry Ford

I have said it many times to people, and during many presentations, but it’s when you take the time to dwell long and hard on something, repeatedly, that you start to see the depth and texture of the statement.

The angle I have been dwelling on is this propensity to focus on the “I can’t” side of the equation.

Have you ever had an opportunity presented to you, or seen someone achieve at something, and whereas your heart swells with the desire, you immediately go to the “I can’t do that”!

Man oh man do we do that often – it’s our default mindset! I can’t tell you how many times I have said that to my clients, or to prospects who want so much more for themselves, but get stuck in the “I can’t”, and so they stay the same.

Why do we do that???

It is a mindset that SO DOMINATES our society, and yet speaks nothing to the depth of talent and capability that lies within us all!!. UGH!!! So frustrating because it cuts us off from the life of abundance that lies within our reach right now!

Why do we do that?!

We are so familiar with ourselves (i.e. habitual ways of viewing ourselves) that we tend to take ourselves for granted; we tend to minimize what we can accomplish - the success we can achieve – and for some strange reason we believe others can reach heights we cannot!

In his fabulous book You2, and yes I quote from him a lot LOL, Price Pritchett talks about how we are so stuck in our familiar ways of doing things, including how we are viewing ourselves. “Your skepticism about yourself, which you presume is based on rational thinking and some sort of objective assessment about yourself, is rooted in mental junk! Years ago you accepted flawed conclusions about yourself as correct (opinions from the major influencers in your life such as parents, teachers, coaches, community leaders, spiritual leaders) and began to live your life as if those warped ideas about your potential were true.”

You are truly awesome, extraordinary, exceptional and successful, and yet you’ve been conned into believing things about yourself and the world around you, very limiting beliefs, based on old assumptions and false conclusions

And you were taught to judge - this included you judging your and it became automatic.

That set up a fear of criticism or rejection, and then this negativity about yourself wormed its way deeper and you began to feel that you’re not good enough, like there’s something is wrong with you.


Ever wonder why when you ask yourself that question “What’s wrong with me?” you never get an answer?


You have created artificial mental boundaries beyond which you fear to go, and it’s based on old data and has no relevance to what you are capable of. NO RELEVANCE WHATSOEVER!!

Yes you have limits – but you don’t need to worry about them. You will never bump in to them. The real limits won’t box you in, but the false ones you are carrying around, and you are, are like a self-imposed prison!

So…. YES YOU CAN!! Stop focusing on all the reasons you can’t and give all your mental and emotional energy to the FACT that YOU CAN!! Make that your new mantra! Wear it proudly and assert it every day throughout the day. That will then become your new programming, and guess what?

If you think you can, YOU CAN!! WOOHOO!
You knew it all the time!!

With gratitude and inspiration,

Sandy Rutherford

Founder, Inspired Destinies Brand and
Amazon Best Selling Author, Navigating The High Cs

Sandy Rutherford

Success Mindset Coach, Destiny Maker, Cut the C.R.A.P. Mentor

Founder & CEO, Inspired Destinies, Unstoppable Success System, International Speaker, Best Selling Author

Sandy Rutherford

Success Mindset Coach, Destiny Maker, Cut the C.R.A.P. Mentor Founder & CEO, Inspired Destinies, Unstoppable Success System, International Speaker, Best Selling Author

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