Chase or Attract

To Chase or to Attract!

December 02, 20245 min read

Have you ever wanted something really badly, I mean with all your heart you want more money so that you can buy that dream home, buy those nice clothes or luxury car, or travel in style numerous times a year?

Have you ever wanted so badly just to be that slender person you envision, or have that warm, loving, romantic, healthy and fulfilling relationship that you see in the movies?

You can have that – if you truly desire it!

But you have to stop wanting it so badly that you are trying to force it. Force negates! What does that mean? It means the more you try to force it by doing what you are doing the more resistance you will get.

We are not taught how to create success. Ask any person how to create success in their lives and you get raised eyebrows, and uncertain answers – often around get a good education, get a good job … If that were how to create success we would all go do that and be successful.

It doesn’t work that way!
Depending on what you read, between 70-80% people in North America are not happy in their work; most people would admit they are not as successful as they would like to be. Look at the divorce rates, at the obesity rates!

So what is the secret to success?
You must attract it into your life. It is a law of physics that everything in this universe is energy and therefore everything vibrates on different frequencies. There are zillions of frequencies.
Well guess what?! It is also a law of physics that you can only attract things that are on the same frequency. That’s a fact. For example, if I want you to phone to me, I can only attract that call if you dial my cell number – which is a very specific frequency. So your thoughts are energy too, and they vibrate on frequencies. Again, this is a fact.
So you can only attract on the frequency of your thoughts. So if you are thinking “I am not good at selling” or “I’m not very attractive” or “I will never earn that much money” or “Money is so hard to earn.” … these are all negative thoughts and keep you at a lower vibration. You will continue to attract those types of results. If you don’t believe me, just say any of those lines to yourself and you can FEEL the negative energy in them. Go ahead and try it!

Dream goals are up on a higher frequency. Again, don’t take my word for it. Go ahead and really imagine thoughts like “I have lots of money flowing in every day.”, “I am so attractive and everyone loves me”, “Money comes to me so easily”, “My business is growing fabulously” – you will feel the shift in energy. So …. You want to be thinking on this frequency in order to attract on this frequency!

Many of us waste time by working harder and harder – chasing the success that eludes us.
But we are still thinking about things in the same way - on the same frequency. Then we get really frustrated that we are not getting fantastic results when we are working so hard!!
I made that mistake! And I got more and more frustrated because I expected different results. OK so what do we know about the definition of insanity?? – doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!
THAT WAS ME!!! And I bet it is you too!

Guys, working harder is not the answer! Chasing success is NOT the solution!
Shifting your thinking is the answer!! Getting on the frequency of the success you desire is the solution and you will be able to attract the success you desire!

And how do you change your thinking? You’ve got to get to know YOU better. It all starts with you! The more you understand you, the better a person you can become and you then attract better people into your life. Start observing what you are thinking – it will give you BIG clues.
Sound simple? It is!
Is it easy? Nope!!

But investing in yourself will make it happen. Get to know all that you are, and you are friggin awesome!! The more you expand your mind and you raise conscious awareness about who you are, what you are capable of, the more success you attract. This is an absolute law and this is some of the science behind success and wealth creation.
Just like a magnet can only attract a positive charge to a positive charge, you MUST become the same polarity for that which you desire. Negative thoughts attract negative results. Positive thoughts attract positive results. If you just switch your thinking, will success happen? No, there’s more to it than that.

But this is such a foundational concept that MUST be embraced for you to move to higher levels of success. It all starts here – you become what you think.

Don’t waste your time working harder at being the same person you are today! Invest in YOU – you’re so worth it! Invest in becoming a better person!! You’ve got so much talent and capability within!
So today, look WITHIN yourself and explore your infinite potential. Introduce yourself to the you you’ve never known! Make a decision to take action now and learn how to think on the frequency of your dreams – just like all highly successful people do.

Set the stage for your success to chase you!!

With gratitude and inspiration,
Sandy Rutherford

Sandy Rutherford

Success Mindset Coach, Destiny Maker, Cut the C.R.A.P. Mentor

Founder & CEO, Inspired Destinies, Unstoppable Success System, International Speaker, Best Selling Author

Sandy Rutherford

Success Mindset Coach, Destiny Maker, Cut the C.R.A.P. Mentor Founder & CEO, Inspired Destinies, Unstoppable Success System, International Speaker, Best Selling Author

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